AKC National Championship SportzDog Success
Friday, December 29, 2023

Fido-Vite had the opportunity to attend the AKC 2023 National
Championship Dog Show in Orlando on December 15 th , 16 th and 17 th .
Jon Sawle and Austin Sandmire were there to see Fido-Vite
SportzDogs in action as well promote Fido-Vite through our AKC endorsement
and their shop website.
The show did not disappoint! First, it was great to see the
large banners of the legendary Rumor on the walls of the Convention
Center, but also Fido-Vite SportzDogs won 2 of 7 groups. Tori the
Bedlington won the Terrier Group and Mercedes the German
Shepherd winning the Herding Group and “Reserve Best in Show!”
This show had over 5700 dogs. We also want to congratulate another
Fido-Vite SportzDog, JJ the Aussie on being the winningest Aussie in
AKC history!